Blake is a 7th generation South Dakotan, who takes great pride being from the Rushmore State. He boasts ​"my kin benefited from the Homestead Act and my family farm sits in that very same spot." Within those generations comes farmers, teachers, nurses, military officers and politicians. Blake says. "My grandfather was the mayor of Dell Rapids and brought soft water to that municipality through a public works. My great-uncle was Rolo Norgaard, U.S. Navy Rear Admiral and recipient of the Navy Cross, and my father was a marine who instructed Navy Seals how to swim."
After retiring from "Good Morning Black Hills" on KEVN Black Hills Fox News, Blake is focused on making a difference in his community with a promotion of transparent communication. He expresses "as a former TV host on Fox News over the last 3 years I have come to the understanding it is imperative that our people want clear and concise information with no bias. That'll be a cornerstone I can promise to my constituents."
Today, Blake is a business owner, community leader, and father. His focus is on the needs of his neighbours and also concerns for the future. "I live in an area that has an ageing population where services soon will not be able to keep up with the community needs. That concerns me." Blake's focus is on small business with liveable wages and industry standard benefits, education with above average curriculum, and affordable housing which he has a plethora of knowledge serving as both an operations officer for a property management group and a real estate agent.
Blake knows that in an ever evolving geopolitical climate that 21st century problems will be solved with 21st century solutions. He's at the ready with proven experience to lead his community comfortably into the future.
"A prepared city today will be a ready city tomorrow."